Thursday, December 2, 2010

Bollore and Amaury

A lot of gossip went through the media during the 3 months period of negociations about the sale of le Parisien.

Now the sale offer has been pulled out, people begin to speak and it appears that the most discreet candidate was also the most anxious to buy. His name is Vincent Bolloré, the new media tycoon, owner of 2 Tv channels, Havas and the free sheet Direct Matin. Yet, Bolloré, a savy businessman was not about to satisfy the 200 million euros proposal. He valued the newspaper to half that price. the sale offer was cancelled.
For how long? Sooner or later Amaury family will get tired of managing an expensive print product when the digital scene offers many opportunities for its sports organization. Then, Bollore may appear as a saviour. It is a part he loves to play.
Moreover, the stubborn fact is that print newspapers don't manage to transfer massive profits to their websites. Libération is lagging behind as it is looking for a new influx of capital that could be provided by Claude Perdriel if he strikes a deal with Laurent Joffrin. an opportunity made credible by the departure of Denis Olivennes from Perdriel group. Le Figaro fares much better because it bought, thanks to Dassault, several profitable websites owned by its digital branch Aden classified. By now, Figaro Group makes money because of these new digital activities of classified ads.
What is obvious is that one cannot transfer a daily to the net. Internet users are not ready to browse through screen after screen the way you read a paper. They look for specifics, for labels which are not press names but experts or specialized websites. The digital revolution has still a long way to go.