Time is running short for Libération. There is no proper shareholder, a growing lack of cash and bankruptcy probably on March. It is a pity for there is certainly a solution for an ailing newspaper. However, the solution implies a total revolution in the working of the newsroom, something which is not easy to realize.
In my opinion, an editorial staff of 60 could provide a good news service centred on the urban population of France. The news delivery system would be a combination of a paid website and a print biweekly financed partially by advertising.The total sales would be much lower than presently but the expenses would also be sharply reduced with a limited printing budget and a drastic reduction of the cost of Presstalis. If the new Liberation provides high quality service it will meet its constituency after 2 or 3 years.
This will probably not happen and it is a shame. I strongly believe that the French public is ready to accept and pay for new digital offers that answer a growing demand. It happens already in the US where booming digital media attract a growing number of talented journalists. The Atlantic is easy to cross.