The staff of Aurelie Filippetti, the French minister of Culture is desperately trying to find a solution for Presstalis. The bill could go up to 300 millions euros and the government is broke. Newspapers and magazines suffer from both a loss of sales and a fall of advertising. They are not in a mood or in capacity to foot the bill.
The regional newspapers seem willing to take incharge the delivery of the national dailies. To distribute 400 millions copies a year would cost 80 millions, i e 20 c. per copy, A rate that makes this regional network highly competitive with Presstalis. However, there is a condition: no links whatsoever with this unionized and inefficient organization.
The regional newspapers seem willing to take incharge the delivery of the national dailies. To distribute 400 millions copies a year would cost 80 millions, i e 20 c. per copy, A rate that makes this regional network highly competitive with Presstalis. However, there is a condition: no links whatsoever with this unionized and inefficient organization.
Le Monde could be very interested if, and its a big if, it moves into a morning newspaper. According to recent agreements with 5 regional dailies, it could get ,as early as this fall, 125000 copies printed out of Paris, in East, West and South of France. The logical outlet would be to get them distributed by the same newspapers. A major upheaval and a very useful money saving device for the ailing daily.