Monday 23 was a big media event: the launching of the French version of the Huffington post. The editor is none other than Anne Sinclair who is both an ex TV anchor woman and the patient wife of Dominique Strauss Kahn. 250 journalists and TV channels from all over the world showed up, mostly attracted, it seems by the marital statute of Ms Sinclair.
Still, skeptics wonder what could be the future of this new pure player. True it is linked to le Monde but the staff of the very serious newspaper are less than enthusiastic about a publication that could easily drift towards people chronicles and saucy gossips like its American big brother. Many important people are willing to contribute with bologs but they could get tired very quickly as they are not expected to be paid.
For the moment, advertisers seem interested but they will look carefully at the audience and there are many, too many? pure players in France, such as Rue 89, Mediapart, Slate, Atlantico.
We shal have another look in one month to assess the health of the new baby of Ariadna and Ann.