On December 1st and 2nd the specialists of webjournalism met in Metz to discuss the tricky relationship between the Web and the various media, press web sites or pure players.
During the debate, there was a sharp contrast between the users of the web and the social networks and the people in charge of press sites who have to manage journalists and check the facts.
Professional internauts dream of a space where a permanent flow of news moves through Twitter and Facebook and is connected thanks to hypertext links to every kind of information produced in every part of the world.
The web site executives worry about the credibility of their output and the financing of their work. They need two things which are not easy to get in the Web paradise: time to assess the news and money to pay their staff.
It seems that a dialogue is difficult to manage as positions, both of them interesting and useful, are so far away from each other.
And yet, the main point is what does the public wants. From what we know, it is attracted to safe offers supported by labels such as the New York Times or le Monde. It is even beginning to agree to pay if the quality is there. Still, the concept of curation, ie the multiplication of links is getting more popular. It is a clever way to enrich the news offer without drowning the public with hundreds of messages.
The debate goes on. We'll go back to it very soon.