The Summer was not peaceful for le Monde. The newspaper published a controversial fiction about a financial crisis in 2012. This story was written by an ex journalist from the economic daily la Tribune. It raised strong protests from the "Société des rédacteurs du Monde" (SRM) who considered rightly that the text should have been checked by the competent journalists of the newspaper economic staff. Moreover, the Credit Agricole complained publicly that this paper had treated it very badly, suggesting that it could be bankrupt next year. Of course, it was pure fiction as the editor in chief answered the various complaints but can one play with quoted corporations and the stock exchange ? The impact on a very volatile market was obvious.
It appears that the new organization of the newsroom is far from satisfying The influence of Mathieu Pigasse, one of the owners or Bernard Henri Lévy, member of the board is significant. It could lead to new conflicts before the end of the year.
On August, too, the two printers unions delivered their message: its no to the printing of the daily by the regional newspapers which are more than willing to take in charge the printing and the sales of le Monde out of Paris. This cost saving process seems to be in trouble and yet, there is no other solution for Louis Dreyfus, the publisher. We can expect some strikes on September.
Another big question remains: who is the real boss of le Monde? Is Xavier Niel, the telecom tycoon ready to move to the front and put more money?